moshimoss / Stones of Paradise
映像や映画のための楽曲制作、アート作品や空間のためのサウンドデザインを手がける山梨在住の音楽家Kosuke Anamizuによるアンビエント&クラシカルプロジェクトmoshimossの9年ぶりとなるフルアルバム。
ゲストプレーヤーにASA-CHANG&巡礼やTRIORAのメンバー、森山直太朗やSEKAI NO OWARIのサポート等で精力的に活躍するバイオリン奏者、須原杏が参加。
Yamanashi-based musician Kosuke Anamizu, also known for his production and sound design work for videos, movies, art projects, and indoor spaces, is back with a new project that blends ambient and classical sounds. This is his first full-length album in nine years under the moniker “moshimoss.”
In a departure from his past ambient and guitar based works, moshimoss’ work shifts to a more universal, classical sound that focuses on piano and string pieces with simple composition and melody. With this project, which serves as a continuation of his 2020 and 2021 EP series, moshimoss uses his quintessential ephemeral soundscapes to tell a story of epic prorportions.
Guest performances include ASA-CHANG&JUNREI and TRIORA member Naotaro Moriyama and SEKAI NO OWARI backup violinist Anzu Suhara, with mastering by Takeshi Azuma of Yamashoku-on and jacket photography by Shuhei Yoshida. This album will be released in both digital and vinyl format.
Artist: moshimoss
Title: Stones of Paradise
A-1. Eureka
A-2. I will not forget you
A-3. I’ll be right here
A-4. Chasing butterflies
A-5. Duet
A-6. Mirage
B-7. Tone
B-8. Memories, ephemeral existence
B-9. Remembrance
B-10. We’re leaving
Cat#: NCLP-04
Format: LP / Digital
Date: January 31th 2023
Label: night cruising
山梨在住の音楽家・イラストレーター。 Kosuke Anamizu名義でドイツの Traum Schallplatten や mule electronic からミニマルハウス・ダブ等の作品をリリース後、moshimoss としての活動をスタートし、深く儚いサウンドスケープ作品をワールドワイドにリリース。
精力的なライブ活動はしないが、過去には、Fujirock Festival、EMAF、Natural High などのフェスなどにも出演。
2020 年に moshimoss として 6 年ぶりとなる新作 EP《Parade》、2021 年にもEP《Timeless》を発表。
2022 年には現在上映中、自身が音楽を手掛けたコニカミノルタのプラネタリウム『猫星夜 -ある日の星空のおはなし-』のオリジナルサウンドトラック《One Day》を発表。
そして9年ぶりとなるニューアルバムを京都のレーベル night cruising よりリリース。
Moshimoss is an ambient/modern classical project from Kosuke Anamizu, a musician born and raised in a small town close to Mt. Fuji. After releasing a number of tech house projects from Traum Schallplatten and Mule Musiq, he released his debut album as moshimoss, “Hidden Tape No. 66,” on Dynamophone Records. Known for his organic, atmospheric blend of hi-fi and lo-fi, he also contributes production and sound design work for videos, movies, motion graphics, and art installations. He has performed at Fuji Rock Festival and Red Bull Music Academy Presents EMAF TOKYO.
night cruising
Tel: 050-3631-2006(平日12:00-18:00)